Friday, 21 September 2012

Fruit Escape

On Wednesday 5th as we entered the classroom we found footprints and fruit and vegetables.
We all investigated why they are in our classroom.
We also found that some splatted on the ceiling.
We got them down from their Hiding place and asked them why they were here.
There was a lot of funny stories. this is one that we came up with.

The opponent Potato

The Carrot

Once there was a carrot who is a olympic long jumper.
He was against a potato who was the world record holder of 105.50.005 m.
This time he jumped 100.2.002 m (not enough to beat his record).
Now it's the carrot's go he jumped 200.50 m and he was flying and smashed the window !
He was now the world record holder (with a big bruise)
The potato was now annoyed and they had a massive fight .
They threw cakes, bread, folks, and the potato got a machine gun and shot the carrot !
But the carrot stopped the bullets and shot them back !
the potato said " i have had enough of you i am off you may have won this time but i will win next time loser."
Luckily no one got hurt.

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