Tuesday, 17 July 2012

UEA Olympic day

On Tuesday 10th of July the years 3 & 4 went to the UEA in Norwich.
When we got there we got ready and there was an opening ceremony.
We went around the running track twice.
We were at the front because we were at the far end.
We were Chile.
After the opening ceremony we split up into 2 groups and we all did something different from the other groups.
It started to rain.
When it was raining we had our lunch inside.
All the schools got up and we all learnt an Olympic dance.
Then we walked out of the Hall and back outside.
After we got outside 10 minutes later it started to rain again. But some groups stayed out and kept playing sports.
After the closing ceremony we all went back to the buses and went back to our school.

We are the leaders
press the photo above to find more about the UEA

Ribbons in the air

Ribbons on the grond

Fench skipping


Waving ribbons

The golden olympic torch
press the ptoto abouve to find out more about the torch realay

Arms up
press the photo above to find out about the opening ceromony

hula hoops
Standing still

By Albion And Fynton

Arms straght

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