Friday, 26 October 2012

Litter picking

On Thursday the 25th of October. The years 3&4's went litter picking around the village.

There was a  lot of litter around.
there was:
1 car brim,
metal cans,
plastic bottles (some not opened),
hair clip,
crisp bags,
bubble wrap,
chewing gum,
plastic bags, a gardening glove and 2 golf balls.

Please can you not leave litter outside so that we can save the world.

We went round Harbour Lane into the playground and across the football pitch and back along Hopton Road to school

By Albion, Fynton, James and Danny

Saturday, 20 October 2012

visit to gorgies farm

On Thursday we went to a farm to see some little pigs that were 1 week old, sheep, turkeys and a horse.
Gorgie explaned how they feed themselvs. 
here are some photos of the pigs. There are 9 piglets altogether, 3 girls and 6 boys. We will hopefully follow their progress.

Friday, 19 October 2012

The jorney of wheat

On Monday and Tuesday we learnt About the jorney of wheat.

First the farmer drills the wheat.
Next they leave it to start growing
Then the farmer waters it and kills the weads.
After he kills the weeds he waits until the wheat goes yellow - gold.
At harvest time the farmer cuts the wheat down with a combine-harvester.
The farmer packs the wheat into bags and sends it of to the mill to grind and seperate it.
Afterwards they send it to bakers who make it into bread and deliver it to shops so we can eat it.If you press the link below and you will go to the website that tells you how they make bread, whats in wheat and how to make bread

if you want to look a how the factory makes bread press the link below press download video

Friday, 12 October 2012

sugar beet experiment

On Tuesday the 9th of October at a go at boiling sugar beet.

First we took off the leaves and felt the leaves and described them.
Next we snapped the bottom and looked at the tubes.
Then we washed and cut it.
After we put it into a pan with a little bit of water and we boiled it.

Afterwards we had a go at cutting it. Riley found it easy.
Then we wanted to have another go at boiling it. So we did.
It looks very mushy and it wasn't very clean.
We aslo had a go at filtering it and it absobred it and left the mud !
We are now leaving the water to evaporate and hopefully it will leave some sugar !
We put diffrent typs of sugar like demerara and icing sugar in pots that had some of the left overs from the boling sugar.

filter results

function machine

We have been making function macines.
what we had to do was:
wait for a function to be put in
then put a number in
and it came out different.

then we had to work out what the function was.
We did it a few times.

Then we had a go. we drew 2 or 3
we gave our books to somewhone else and they had to work out what the function was.

a function machine
if you would like to have a go press the photo above
By Albion

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Bromscott common visit

On Thursday the 27th we went out of school and went down Harbour Lane and looked at the crops and the sugar beet was still growing.
We went past a big working place that made stuff for theatres like stage bits and movement blocks.

When we got to the common we had a snack and went to the recreation ground. We got into our maths groups and each group chose a spot to take a photo.  After all groups had taken a photo we went back to school.


Each week we come to the common we will come back to our photo spots and take another picture of the same thing and we will look for the changes throughout the year.

By Albion and Ronnie