Friday, 29 June 2012

world sports day

On Monday we went to do sports day.
There were 3 main sports running, hopping and throwing.
We all had a go at these sports.
Each class had thair own country.
We had Chile, year R had Spain year, 1&2 had Mexico and the year 5&6 had Cuba.
We all had a flag to hold.
We sang a song.
There was year R doing a Spanish dancing,year 1 2 3 and 4 cheerleading, a opening ceromoney and year 5 and 6 doing a dance.
In the running there was lots of falling over.
There was lots of brilliant hopping and throwing the javilin.
It was lots of fun.
The olympic torch

Chile and Cuba
Redy set Go!
Hire comes cuba

Press the photo that has the name "Chile" to get more info.

By Albion

Monday, 25 June 2012

World Sports Day opening ceremony.

Some pictures from sports day
Aidan leading the opening ceremony with the torch

Years 5 & 6 parading round the field with thier cuban flags
Chile? No years 3 & 4!

Here come Mexico or KS1!

Ready for action - the children grouped in their countries

The 'Welcome Dance'

Spanish dancing

Cheer leading to set the mood.

Friday, 22 June 2012

Muddy maths

Over the last few weeks we have been using real life conundrums in our maths lessons to help us to apply what we have learned this year.
So far we have 'measured the splash' working out how big a splash the Olympic divers make to help judge the dive and we have tried to eork out how much concrete the builders used in the foundations of out new building.
Here are some photos of us having fun with our learning!

initial measuring
we think we're on the right track!

still thinking
too deep!

team work
almost there

how much?

Olympic stadiums

We have been making Olympic stadiums.
We used matirals like cardbord, paper, foam, glue and paint. We are still working on it.
Yesterday we made restrooms and showers.

Olympic toilet

our logo

our flag

Olympic torch
Olympic pool

 click on the picture below to learn more about the olympic park.

Olympic park
My first blog post!
 By Albion

Broomscott Common

This last term has been a term of 2 halves weather wise. We thought Summer would never arrive! However this has not deterred the school from visiting and sampling what the sites have to offer.

Rowan Tree Class (years 3 & 4) have had numerous trips to both settings. They have taken photos to compare particular areas throughout the year, they have observed the bird boxes and frog spawn, compared the temperature inside and outside the protective sapling covering and discussed the implications to growth, especially in the snow and created a data base using data loggers to compare temperatures, light and coverage with the school field.

We’re all looking forward to seeing what this Summer has to offer.

Look for further information about the site here:

Nuthatch in the quiet area

In May a pair of nesting nuthatches were spied in the quiet area.Patient children were able to photo the parents going to feed their babies.
Can you see the nuthatch?